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With websites like Etsy and Pinterest, not to mention the hundreds of design and craft blogs out there, there is no shortage of decorating ideas that make it easy to spruce up your living space! Your name doesn't have to be Martha for you to follow these tutorials successfully and create something fun and unique for your guests to gush over. Here are some of our favourites...

Geode Bottle Stoppers 
The finished product - an artful way to put your bar on display! (from Cupcakes and Cashmere) 

We can't believe how easy this one is! You'll need geodes (amethyst, pyrite, etc. - you can pick these up at a crafts store or here on Amazon), craft glue, and corks to fit your bottles.  

Squeeze glue onto the larger end of the cork, set the geode on top of the glue, and wait for it to dry. Place the geode cork in the bottle and arrange on your bar as you wish! 

Paint Chip Dry-Erase Calendar
We love this ombre calendar! (from The Little Lovebirds)

To make your own calendar, you'll need paint chip samples (usually available for free at any hardware store), a picture frame, scissors, glue, and a dry-erase marker

Pick out your paint samples (six colours to a sample) and create a colour combination you love. The picture above is an ombre look, but you can mix and match colours as you please. You'll probably need six or seven sample strips to fill out the whole calendar. If desired, trim the samples to the size you want your calendar boxes. Glue the paint chips on to a solid white piece of paper held width-wise (we like card stock or thicker computer paper) so that they all fit. Place the paper with the paint chips into the frame. Then, using your dry-erase marker, write your month/dates, days of the week, and your events for the month on the frame's glass. When you hit the end of the month, simply wipe away the marker and re-do! 

Cupcake Lights
Cupcake light inspiration! (from Ikea Hackers)

Cupcakes have been all the rage for awhile, but we bet you never thought you could use those cute cake-making accessories that are sitting in your pantry for backyard party decor! For this project, all you need is cupcake/muffin holders (pick your favourite colours and patterns and combine them!), an X-Acto knife, and a string of lights.

Using your X-Acto knife, make a cross cut (like a plus sign) in the bottom of each cupcake holder. Slip the holder over each socket on your light strand so it is held in place and is covering the bulb. Plug it in for an instant - and adorable - lift to any outdoor party you're throwing this season! 

What are your favourite DIY ideas? Link to any "pinspiration" you've been loving in the comments or tweet us at @candieanddolls! 

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