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I've always been a lover of all things Canadian but have recently discovered a few more crushes 
right here in Winnipeg

talk about being sweet...Jenna Rae Cakes


Owners Jenna Rae + Ashley Nicole
have done a great job at creating a playful, famine and appetizing environment 


The absolutely beautiful decor of their shop on Academy Road sent a yummy sweet sensation from my eyes to my belly before I even looked at my options

 I knew I was in trouble when the colour palettes of the baked goodies made me want to jump up and down in anticipation of what I was about to delight in

macarons, cupcakes, cookie sandwiches, chocolate covered cake gems,


 truffles, cake slices, mini cheesecakes and more

Schedule a few extra minutes when heading there, and sample some amazing morsels of heaven or order your holiday goodies before they're all booked up

This destination is just one more reason

"It's sweet to be a women"

photo credits to jennaraecakes instagram

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