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Today is the beginning of an (almost!) two week festival, filled with amazing plays, comedy stand up, improv shows and great people! Performers from all over the world are here in Winnipeg to showcase some of their talent, and this year they're pulling out all the stops!


The Winnipeg Fringe Festival is celebrating it's 25th year, and it's already broken a ton of their own records. There's now over 170 plays to see, and almost 800 volunteers helping out around the area! It ranks as the second largest Fringe Festival is all of North America.

And not only are there plays to see, but lots of bands playing in the old market square, great shopping for local items, and some of the best to-go food!

We always try to make our way out to the Exchange District to take part in the festivities, and we even have a few plays we're dying to see!


Fresher: The Musical is one of the top picks on our list! Winnipeg Studio Theatre always puts out the greatest musicals, and Fresher is sure to be no different. It's a Pop/Rock musical about five freshman students who are living through their first year of college. Awkward drinking games, convoluted love triangles and raging hormones await the students as they negotiate the minefield of first impressions at school. It won the Best New Musical at the MTM: UK awards. We can't wait!


The D'n'D improv show is the one of the most hilarious and innovative shows at the Fringe. The company has been doing this show and perfecting it for the past 5 years, with 5 star reviews across the board last year! The show makes an homage to the ever popular Dungeons and Dragons Fantasy Role Playing Game, in which fantasy themed characters exist and thrive in a persistent world. In this world exists good and evil, and battles of epic proportions break out. As nerdy as it sounds, you will be holding your sides from laughter!

There's so many other shows we are dying to see, and we also hope to see you all there too!

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